Responsible tourism

QNN 23/09/2019 09:19

(QNO) - On the occasion of a conference on sustainable tourism development themed “Zero plastic waste tourism” taking place in Hoi An city (Quang Nam province) on September 15, Quang Nam Newspaper had a talk with Head of UNESCO Office in Vietnam Michael Croft and Peter Debrine, Programme Specialist for Sustainable Tourism, UNESCO World Heritage Centre.

Local people and tourists collect waste at beach in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province
Local people and tourists collect waste at beach in Hoi An city, Quang Nam province

According to Head of UNESCO Office in Vietnam Michael Croft, UNESCO always approves all initiatives on sustainable development. It is very important. Vietnam tourism industry has rapidly developed. Investors and authorities’ decisions may have long–term impacts. Hoi An has become an attractive tourist destination. However, it’s not the time for us to pay attention to the number of tourists but we should focus on the return of visitors to Hoi An.

Head of UNESCO Office in Vietnam Michael Croft
Head of UNESCO Office in Vietnam Michael Croft

Besides, there are two questions we need to find answers now: Does the increase of the number of tourists contribute to the preservation or to the damage of heritage values and how is the increase of the number of tourists helping to improve local people’s daily life and environment?

The key principles are the public-private partnership and civil society that can create conditions for sustainable tourism development.

In the interview with Quang Nam Newspaper, Programme Specialist for Sustainable Tourism, UNESCO World Heritage Centre Peter Debrine said he congratulated Hoi An in particular and Quang Nam in general on plan of Zero plastic waste tourism. The process in limiting plastic waste in tourism in the world is slow. So, we need mechanisms to encourage tourism businesses to take action.

Peter Debrine, Programme Specialist for Sustainable Tourism, UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Peter Debrine, Programme Specialist for Sustainable Tourism, UNESCO World Heritage Centre.

Most visitors come to Quang Nanm where owns two UNESCO’s cultural heritage sites and a world biosphere reserve to experience the culture and nature. So, they are ready to boycott plastic waste. Moreover, the propagation on the risk of plastic waste or sustainable tourism development to tourists and local people should be paid attention more.

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Responsible tourism