Raising ability of community tourism services

By TUE LAM Dec 26, 2015 10:34

(QNO) - With the support of non-government organizations, especially the International Labour Organisation (ILO), many cooperative groups in Quang Nam province have step by step raised their abilities in community tourism services, business administration and products marketing.

A tourist  with the products of community tourism village
A tourist with the products of community tourism village

According to Mrs Ngo Thi Thien, Director of the Consultant and Supporting Center for Cooperative Societies, medium and small-sized businesses (belonging to Quang Nam province  Cooperative Union), the cooperative groups of community tourism such as My Son (Duy Xuyen district), Triem Tay (Dien Ban town), Bho Hoong and Dhroong brocade weaving (Dong Giang district)...attracted numerous tourists in past time.

The courses of training skills such as communication, business management, resolving contradictions in a group, environment protection, responsible tourism etc. organized in the last time helped the members of these cooperative groups better their basic knowledge in tourism service business and created breakthroughs in business. “Besides business strategy training, we should pay attention to product marketing and advertisement to bring a long and sustainable effect”, said Mr Ngo Quang Vinh- National Project Coordinator at ILO.

According to the Quang Nam province Center for Cooperative Consultancy and Support,  the training courses above aimed to share experiences which are flexibly applied for each locality. Trainees would discuss together to more understand, connect, cooperate and support in community tourism business. They  could also analyse the strong and weak points from Cooperative Groups and service groups in order to find out the solutions to Cooperative Groups’ shortcomings and limitation.


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Raising ability of community tourism services