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Tue, 18/03/2025
(QNO) - National Year of Biodiversity Restoration - Quang Nam 2024 has raised awareness among all levels, sectors, and the public about the importance of biodiversity conservation, aiming to position Quang Nam as a pioneer in green growth, circular economy, and balancing environment with development.
Quang Nam is advancing biodiversity conservation, fostering harmony with nature, and supporting climate action.
The 2024 National Year of Biodiversity Restoration has raised public awareness of biodiversity conservation, positioning the province as a leader in green growth and circular economy, ensuring a balance between environmental protection and development.
Under the theme ‘Living in Harmony with Nature’ are key events, including the International Day for Biological Diversity (May 22) and the International Day for Biosphere Reserves (November 3).
These activities align with Vietnam’s National Biodiversity Strategy to 2030 and the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration (2021-2030), reinforcing the country's commitment to global biodiversity conservation.
There were over 40 events from March to December 2024 held in Quang Nam, engaging various sectors and communities, including international exhibitions, wetland conservation forums, and cross-border wildlife protection agreements. These efforts have drawn strong NGO and global support for biodiversity restoration.
The 2024 National Year of Biodiversity Restoration’s message, 'Living in Harmony with Nature,' gained strong support from all levels, international organisations, and communities.
Quang Nam emphasised its role in raising awareness and inspiring efforts to protect and restore biodiversity.
Though the event has ended, its legacy continues. Quang Nam recently established the Cu Lao Cham Nature Reserve, certified a Ngoc Linh ginseng conservation facility, and honoured international and NGO contributions to local conservation efforts
(Source: thoibaonganhang)