Quang Nam: Highest economic growth during 10 years

Source: baochinhphu.vn 11/12/2016 10:54

(QNO) - According to the report from the 3rd session of Quang Nam provincial People’s Council on December 6, the province’s GRDP (Gross Regional Domestic Product) in 2016  increases 14.73%, the highest economic growth rate during 10 years. As a result, Quang Nam province’s economy is considered to overcome the difficulties and come into a stable growth period.

Overview of the 3rd session of the Quang Nam provincial People’s Council.
Overview of the 3rd session of the Quang Nam provincial People’s Council.

The economic structure of the province has been transferred positively. The density of non- agriculture sector accounts for 88.1%; 11.9% for agro-forestry- fisheries . Domestic revenue is expected to reach VND 13,000 billion, exceeding 48% of the estimate and rising over 35% compared to the same period of 2015. Export-import revenue is estimated over VND 6,000 billion, exceeding  30.4% of the forecast. The values of industrial production, services, tourism, agriculture are also increasing. The businesses community is growing up in both quantity and quality…

Speaking at this session, Secretary of the Quang Nam provincial Party Committee Nguyen Ngoc Quang remarked the province’s target is to become a country’s good province until 2020. So the province is trying to reduce poverty, improve the local people’s lives in the mountainous areas, foster the socio-economic development in southeast region strongly, effectively resolve the environment and social security.

Source: baochinhphu.vn

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Quang Nam: Highest economic growth during 10 years