
Quang Nam at the seminar on Vietnam - South Korea trade and investment cooperation

Translated by HO THU Sep 12, 2024 07:53

(QNO) - On September 11, Quang Nam province sent a delegation to the seminar on Vietnam - South Korea trade and investment cooperation hosted by the Embassy of Vietnam in South Korea as part of the Vietnam - South Korea trade and investment promotion program.

Scene of the seminar
Scene of the seminar

Vietnamese Ambassador Vu Ho emphasised the strong ties between Vietnam and South Korea, with economic cooperation as a key pillar. He called for tighter economic links amid global challenges and highlighted Quang Nam as an attractive, reliable investment destination.

An introduction of Quy Thu grilled coconut cake at the seminar
An introduction of Quy Thu grilled coconut cake at the seminar

Quang Nam offers significant opportunities for South Korean investors with comprehensive infrastructure, including airports, seaports, railways, highways, and expressways.

The province is home to two UNESCO world heritage sites, two economic zones, 14 industrial parks, and 115 industrial clusters.

Quang Nam has focused on reforming administrative procedures, promoting innovation, digital transformation, and infrastructure development to improve the business environment and competitiveness.

Quang Nam businesses' trade in South Korea
Quang Nam businesses' trade in South Korea.

Translated by HO THU