Society - Culture

Complying with regulations against deforestation

Translated by Q.THU Sep 11, 2024 17:04

(QNO) - On September 9, the Quang Nam provincial People's Committee issued a plan to implement an action framework in line with the regulations for preventing deforestation in the province.

An old-growth tree in a woodland in Quang Nam

The plan aims to fully implement regulations for international trade of agricultural and forestry products while enhancing state management of forest protection and development.

It includes promoting the EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) to management agencies and stakeholders in related value chains.

Key objectives include improving forest management, protection, and sustainable use, aligned with EU regulations on combating deforestation and forest degradation; developing a raw material supply base for key agricultural and forestry products, with a focus on green, sustainable, and circular development; enhancing livelihoods, job stability, and income for local communities to prevent deforestation, promote sustainable production and consumption, and contribute to climate change mitigation.

Forest protection

Quang Nam has developed specific plans to comply with the EU’s anti-deforestation regulations.

The province also applies policies for sustainable agriculture and forestry, promoting environmental services, carbon credits, and FSC certification to reduce deforestation and forest degradation.

Translated by Q.THU