Society - Culture

Sekong Federation of Trade Unions works in Quang Nam province

Translated by CAM HY

(QNO) - On July 23 in Tam Ky city, the Labor Federation of Quang Nam province (Vietnam) and the delegation of Sekong province's Federation of Trade Unions (Laos) held a colloquy on their cooperation plan.
Leader of the Labor Federation of Quang Nam offers a gift to the leader of the Sekong Federation of Trade Unions.

At the meeting, the Quang Nam's and Sekong's trade unions reviewed the achievements of their friendship and cooperation from the period 2019 - 2024. They also discussed future directions and practical solutions for collaboration from 2025 to 2030.

Over the years, both sides have regularly exchanged information on union activities and labor movements, fostering the tradition of solidarity and friendship between the two sides.

Based on these interactions, the Labor Federation of Quang Nam has supported the Sekong Federation of Trade Unions by helping to build its union staff, sharing experiences, and proposing solutions to improve labor movements and union activities.

On this occasion, both sides agreed to sign a new memorandum of understanding to replace the previous one during the Labor Federation of Quang Nam's visit to the Sekong Federation of Trade Unions in 2025.
Scene of the meeting

The two sides agreed to regularly inform each other about the living conditions and employment of members and workers, annual union activities, key highlights in protecting members, and to share effective practices in union activities suited to each side’s situation.

The Labor Federation of Quang Nam will organize from one to two short-term training courses for Sekong union officials on union practices, develop strategies for organizing workers into trade unions, and negotiate and sign collective labor contracts and welfare programs for union members.

Both sides will hold regular meetings and exchange experiences on union work, with the process rotating each year.

Translated by CAM HY