
Quang Nam promotes commercial linkages.

Translated by HO THU Jul 04, 2024 09:18

(QNO) - Promoting import-export activities and developing cross-border trade is considered an effective solution for bringing Quang Nam products to the global market.

Chu Lai port

Completion of logistics infrastructure

Completing logistics infrastructure is critically important, identified as a key priority in local socio-economic development, creating leverage for commercial and export activities, and enhancing competitiveness for provincial products.

So, Quang Nam has recently made efforts to modernise logistics activities in order to promote import and export. Among the efforts are promoting investment in the Chu Lai airport to meet international airport standards with a 4F level scale and dredging Quang Nam seaports to meet Type I standards and enable it to receive 50,000 tonnes of ships.

Quang Nam also invests in the Nam Giang-Dak Ta Ooc international border gate economic zone, repairing, upgrading, and expanding national and provincial highways to connect functional areas and production zones, including National Highway 14D connecting to the Nam Giang International Border Gate, and developing the East-West economic corridor.

As of June 2024, there are about 200 enterprises in Quang Nam engaged in import and export. Most of them have achieved positive results.

The connection and cooperation among provinces in Central Vietnam and the Central Highlands, Southern Laos, and North-eastern Thailand opens up opportunities for commercial and tourism development, investment attraction, the formation of economic zones, and the promotion of local socio-economic growth.

As a result, Quang Nam, with its advantages, can have great benefits in this context.

Therefore, besides the completion of logistics infrastructure, it is necessary for Quang Nam to provide professional logistics solutions, strengthen supply chain and logistics activities, promote multi-channel sales, apply new e-commerce models, combine traditional and cross-border e-commerce, and support small businesses to open stores on e-commercial platforms such as Tiktok, Shopee, and others.

Interregional connection

With a basically completed infrastructure of highways, deep-water ports, and airports, Quang Nam is considered a convenient gateway to the sea for goods from the Central Highlands, Southern Laos, and North-eastern Thailand through the East-West economic corridor.

This provides Quang Nam with advantages to develop it into a major maritime transport hub and a key logistics centre in the region.

Commercial activities

Along with regional connections, Quang Nam has recently issued a number of policies to encourage, support, and attract investment, especially in logistics infrastructure.

The province has diversified markets and supply chains, boosting exports, creating sources of goods and markets, and expanding space for the development of logistics services.

In particular, Quang Nam focuses on developing high-quality human resources that meet international standards, fostering innovation in trade and investment promotion, and connecting supply and demand in both local and international markets.

The province is effectively leveraging free trade agreements that Vietnam has signed to maximise opportunities.

Translated by HO THU