Enterprises - Businessmen

Agarwood craft in Loc Tay

Translated by HO THU May 26, 2024 10:25

(QNO) - Two of the three agarwood workshops in Loc Tay hamlet (Que Loc commune, Nong Son district, Quang Nam province) were formed by young people who left big cities for their hometown to start businesses. At the same time, they have created jobs for local residents.

Ha Anh Quoc (yellow shirt)

Ha Anh Quoc is the owner of Thien Vu Agarwood, which provides a lot of jobs for the locals. Thien Vu Agarwood produces bracelets and agarwood fine arts products.

Making an agarwood item

Besides creating full-time jobs for labourers, Quoc’s agarwood workshop creates conditions for local residents to work part-time.

Making a lotus bub of agarwood

Thien Vu has recently exported its agarwood products to China and the Middle East.

A lotus bub is made of agarwood.
Agarwood craft provides jobs for young workers.
After being polished, the raw agarwood balls are put into an autoclave at a high temperature for a certain time.
An agarwood bracelet is made by Thien Vu Agarwood.

Translated by HO THU