
A Quang Nam market in Ho Chi Minh City

NGOC TRAN Apr 15, 2024 17:09

Quang Nam inhabitants have always been renowned for their unwavering spirit - fearless in thought and action alike. They refuse to back down from adversity or challenge, even when it means leaving behind everything they know in search of new opportunities elsewhere within the country. This unique cultural identity is something that many carry with them wherever life takes them.

Grilling rice paper.

Unwavering Identity

In the midst of Bay Hien, Ho Chi Minh City, sits a unique establishment that is a place for those seeking solace from homesickness - Ba Hoa Market. This is not just any ordinary market; it serves as a gathering spot where Quang Nam community members can find comfort in familiar surroundings while living far away from Quang Nam.

Quang Nam people have been able to maintain their cultural identity even when living far away from home. Ba Hoa Market serves as an example of this phenomenon, where locals continue speaking in their dialect without any compromise on authenticity.

The market offers visitors an opportunity to witness firsthand how the people here preserve their heritage through every aspect, including cuisine, hospitality, and language use - all while creating a welcoming atmosphere for everyone who enters.

Quang Nam is renowned for its delectable cuisine, and Ba Hoa Market showcases some of the region most sought after dishes. Visitors can indulge in Quang noodles or Cao Lau noodles, as well as bánh thuẩn and bánh ít lá gai - all unique to this area.

Display of bánh thuẩn.

The market also offers a range of fish sauces including small fish sauce, shrimp paste, fermented sardines etc., that are not available elsewhere in Ho Chi Minh City. With such an extensive selection of mouthwatering options on offer at Ba Hoa Market, visitors will find themselves spoilt for choice when it comes time to choose what they want.

Quang noodles are a must-try dish. In particular, the market offers a real experience with its traditional preparation methods that preserve their flavor from Quang Nam province.

The rice flour based noodle is infused with turmeric, giving it a distinctive yellow hue and chewy texture. Steamed before being mixed with pork bone and shrimp sauce, there are plenty of options available, including chicken or young rib versions too.

Each bowl comes complete with fresh vegetables alongside broth while roasted peanuts and crispy rice paper add extra depth for added enjoyment.

The market is more than just a shopping destination; it's an opportunity to reconnect with one’s roots. Each stall tells its own story about the region rich cultural heritage and visitors can almost feel themselves transported back home from here.

Ba Hoa Market is more than just a marketplace. It represents the strength of community ties in Quang Nam. People here have created their own "Quang village", where they can come together and share stories about life with one another. This has helped them overcome challenges associated with being far from home while also providing emotional support along the way.

It shows that even though modernization may be present everywhere else, these individuals never forget who they are at heart: proud members of this tight knit group.

For those who miss the taste of Tet while away from Quang Nam, or wish to hear its distinctive accent, Ba Hoa Market is a must visit destination.

Here, one can purchase traditional items for the Lunar Year such as bánh in in vibrant hues that are used for offering purposes during this festive season. These offerings serve as an important part of Quang Nam culture, where people pay homage to their elders by presenting them with treats made especially for this occasion.

The origin of this market

Quang Nam cultural identity is carried with pride by its people wherever they go. Their straightforwardness, strength, and independence are reflected in the saying, "Quang Nam loves to argue." This reflects an important aspect of their personality - being upright without fearing debate or confrontation. Visitors at Ba Hoa Market can witness this trait firsthand.

The path leading to Ba Hoa Market.

Ba Hoa Market has an interesting backstory. Its name comes from the fact that it was founded by a woman named Hoa who had migrated from the North of Vietnam.

In the 1960s, she purchased land and established this marketplace which quickly became popular among locals due to her love for Quang Nam cuisine; as such most vendors were rented out exclusively to those hailing from this region.

After some time living in America, Hoa left behind her legacy of entrepreneurship, with Ba Hoa under state management until present day where it remains one of Ho Chi Minh City destinations for fresh produce and local delicacies alike.

Ba Hoa Market has undergone a name change to Ward 11 Market but for many sellers and buyers alike the old moniker still holds sway. The market is situated on Tran Mai Ninh street in Tan Binh District

Ba Hoa’s establishment of the market transformed a desolate area into an economic hub for migrants from Central Vietnam, particularly those hailing from Quang Nam.

Ba Hoa Market is a vibrant display of colors that captures the essence of Quang Nam’s diasporic community. Its more than just a marketplace. Its an oasis where those far from home can find solace and connection in each other's company.

The warmth exuded by this communal hub makes it feel like a second home for many who have left their native soil behind.

The sons and daughters of Quang Nam have journeyed through vast distances to arrive at this land while maintaining their unique cultural identity. They've established a strong community where joys, sorrows, dreams, and aspirations are shared among one another with resilience.

Ba Hoa Market serves as a bridge, keeping them tethered to their roots, to the homeland that now lies distant. Each stall, each dish, each laugh, and each voice carries the indelible mark of Quang Nam, piecing together a vibrant mosaic of Vietnamese culture in Ho Chi Minh City.