
Biodiversity, as viewed from the exhibition

Translated by CAM HY Mar 17, 2024 12:07

(QNO) - With the idea of visualizing the relationship between nature and humans, the biodiversity exhibition highlights the interventions of government agencies, social organizations, and communities in biodiversity conservation in Vietnam in general and Quang Nam province in particular.
Chairman of the Quang Nam Provincial People's Committee, Le Tri Thanh, visits the exhibition space.

An exhibition on biodiversity was organized on March 15th, at 24/3 Square in Tam Ky city, Quang Nam province.

The exhibition showcased impressive artistic works highlighting Quang Nam's potential in biodiversity, from rivers and oceans to rare and precious flora and fauna, in response to the National Biodiversity Restoration Year - Quang Nam 2024.
Many unique exhibition items at the Digital Library space left a strong impression on viewers.
A little child enjoys watching the exhibition.
Works depicting ocean fish and unique plant carpets.

At the exhibition, there are various impressive spaces set up, including photo check-in areas with backdrops, movie screening areas, 3D paintings depicting biodiversity, and interactive gaming zones for visitors to engage with biodiversity conservation efforts.
An impressive artwork featuring birds singing in nature.
Biodiversity at Dam River (Tam Ky City).
Several artworks about wildlife conservation attract viewers.
An exhibition piece haunting viewers about the threat to biodiversity.
Many children are amazed when they first witness animal traps.
Artifacts are vividly displayed, contributing to raising public awareness about biodiversity conservation.
The story follows the journey of a lost culi individual returning to the green forest.
The exhibition space also engages viewers with the stories of role models in wildlife conservation within the community.

Translated by CAM HY