Society - Culture

Reducing carbon footprint towards net zero

Translated by CAM HY 06/03/2024 13:51

"Reducing carbon footprint towards net zero" is the theme of the Earth Hour 2024 campaign launched by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).
The theme of World Water Day on March 22 this year highlights the crucial role of water resources.

The Earth Hour 2024 campaign emphasizes the crucial role in the journey towards net zero. It also urges countries to adopt green, circular economies, sustainable development, utilizing nature-based solutions, expanding biodiversity corridors and conservation areas.

Meanwhile, World Water Day on March 22 this year, launched by the United Nations with the theme "Leveraging water for peace", focuses on the crucial role of water resources for the stability and prosperity of the world.

World Meteorological Day on March 23, 2024, initiated by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) with the theme "At the frontline of climate action," emphasizes the proactive role of meteorology in addressing climate change.

Efforts include early forecasting, warning, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate risks and enhance global resilience against natural disasters.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment urges central ministries, agencies, provincial People's Committees, and organizations to organize practical and effective activities in line with the themes of World Water Day, World Meteorological Day, and the 2024 Earth Hour campaign.

It highlights the importance of raising awareness among communities, individuals, and businesses about the objectives, meanings, and themes of World Water Day 2024, World Meteorological Day 2024, and the Earth Hour 2024 campaign.

Alongside this, activities like seminars, conferences, scientific workshops, art exhibitions, and photo exhibitions will be organized.

Additionally, there will be a push for utilizing information technology and online communication methods for promotion.

Translated by CAM HY