
Quang Nam leader commends achievements by medical facilities

Translated by QUOC HUNG Feb 27, 2024 12:06

Chairman of the Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee Le Tri Thanh has just visited some medical facilities in Quang Nam province and Da Nang city on the occasion of the Vietnamese Doctors’ Day (February 27).

Chairman Thanh (left) at Vinh Duc General Hospital

During his visit to Vinh Duc General Hospital (Dien Ban, Quang Nam province), Chairman Thanh thanked the collective of officials, doctors, nurses, and staff for their medical examination and treatment for people’s health in the province in the past time.

Chairman Thanh also appreciated the Vinh Duc General Hospital’s investment in modern medical equipment and specialized fields, including training human resources, and creating conditions for the hospital’s doctors and workers to feel secure in their profession.

The Quang Nam delegation (right) at the Internal Medicine Department A in Da Nang Hospital C

Visiting Da Nang Hospital C, Chairman Thanh, on behalf of the leaders and people of Quang Nam province, expressed his admiration for the dedicated care, medical examination, and treatment of the medical team in Da Nang Hospital C for retired people and current leaders of the province over the past time.

Chairman Thanh believed Da Nang Hospital C would continue its role as a core hospital, meeting the expectations of officials and people in Quang Nam province and the Central region in general.

Chairman Thanh at Da Nang Hospital C

On this occasion, the Quang Nam province delegation led by Chairman Thanh visited and extended greetings on Vietnamese Doctors’ Day 2024 to the Internal Medicine Department A under Da Nang Hospital C, and the Central Medical Assessment Council No.II in Da Nang city.

Translated by QUOC HUNG