
Quang Nam has 8,410 active businesses

CẨM HY Feb 24, 2024 22:11

In January 2024, Quang Nam saw 123 new businesses registered with over 487 trillion VND in capital, marking a 59.7% increase in businesses and a 142.2% increase in registered capital compared to the same period in 2023.
Quang Nam aims to increase the number of businesses joining the market in 2024.

In January, the entire province had 178 businesses resume operations, an increase of 26.2%.

Since the beginning of the year, Quang Nam has approved 2 new foreign investment projects with a total registered capital of 19.5 USD million and 1 new domestic investment project with a registered capital of 0.35 billion VND.

Currently, the province has 195 active foreign investment projects with a total capital of 6.1 billion USD and 1,136 domestic investment projects with a total capital of over 225 trillion VND.

In January 2024, the Provincial People's Committee of Quang Nam issued an action plan to implement the Government's Resolution No. 02 regarding business environment improvement and national competitiveness enhancement.

Goals include increasing new and returning businesses by at least 10% compared to 2023.