Quang Nam to set up Urban-Service-Industry Complex

By DOAN HOANG• 24/04/2013 10:46

(QNO) - An investment co-operation agreement  for setting up the Chu Lai Vietnam-Korea Urban-Service-Industry Complex was signed on March 5, between The Chu Lai Open Economic Zone (CLOEZ) Management Board and Hoi An Development Investment Construction Joint-stock Company (Hoi An DIC).

Quang Nam to set up Urban-Service-Industry Complex
Quang Nam to set up Urban-Service-Industry Complex

The goal of this project is to build an industrial and services city on the area of 5,000 ha of 4 communes (Tam Anh Bac, Tam Anh Nam, Tam Hoa and Tam Tien) of Nui Thanh district, Quang Nam Province. The project will call investment for improving mechanical industry, manufacturing and assembly industry, supporting industry, infrastructure projects, urban and tourism development.