Quang Nam Economics – Technique College and Keimyung University to cooperate

By  Dien Ngoc - Hoang Bin 06/11/2013 10:23

(QNO) - Implementing the cooperation programme between Dalseo district (Daegu province, Republic of Korea)  and Tam Ky city (Quang Nam province), Professor Yoon Chu Suk, Vice principle  and delegates of  Keimyung University (KEU) have visited and exchanged with Quang Nam Economics – Technique College (QNETC) . The aim of this visit is to impulse the cooperative relationship between two localities.

Delegates from Keimyung University visited QNETC’s teaching and learning infrastructure.
Delegates from Keimyung University visited QNETC’s teaching and learning infrastructure.

The leaders of QNETC and KEU exchanged information about the  training course which they have paid attention to. The visit has really created a long and comprehensive cooperation between  both sides in training high quality human resource. The leaders of QNETC expected to receive the effective supports  from the visitors in training Korean language  and create  favourable conditions for graduated students continuing to study at  higher levels.

By  Dien Ngoc - Hoang Bin

By  Dien Ngoc - Hoang Bin