Foreign investors in Thailand look for investment opportunities in Quang Nam

By Nguyen Kim Bao 03/12/2013 14:50

(QNO) - The first of the Forum on Investment Promotion into Quang Nam province (Central Vietnam) in Thailand has just been co-organised in Bangkok by the Vietnam Trade Office in Thailand (under Vietnam Embassy in Thailand), Thai Board of Investment (BOI), Thailand - Vietnam Business Association. The Investment Promotion Mission delegation of Quang Nam province led by Mr Vo Van Hung, Deputy chief of the Quang Nam provincial Board of Investment Promotion and Supporting Enterprises, attended the forum.

Overview of the Forum on Investment Promotion into Quang Nam held in Thailand.
Overview of the Forum on Investment Promotion into Quang Nam held in Thailand.

After the opening speech with the participation of more than 150 Thai, foreign investors and overseas Vietnamese businesses in Thailand, the representative of the Department of Foreign Investment (under Vietnam’s Ministry of Planning and Investment) introduced the trade and investment environment and opportunities in Central Vietnam.

My Vo Van Hung introduced generally the economic potential, location and opportunities of Quang Nam province in commerce –investment environment in ASEAN region, Asia and the world. Mr Hung also introduced to investors the investment potential, investment preferential policies for prior investment fields and projects of Quang Nam province such as: Supporting industry, electronics, garment, commodity production and procession, manufacturing household commodity, electricity appliances, wooden goods, products made from silicate sand, food and agricultural fields, growing and processing agricultural products, flowers, cattle breeding, aquatic products, investing to build along shores and river side  tourist zones, training human source, investing to build vocational school to supply managing labours and technical workers for industrial production, manufacturing engineer sector, hotel, restaurant management, building infrastructure of the industrial zones, etc…

“Having great natural resource and attractive investment environment, Vietnam in general and Central  region in particular are “commercial and investment destinations” of foreign countries’ and Thailand’s investors. Thai government always supports and encourages Thai businesspersons to invest into Vietnam and Central region. This forum is a good opportunity for businesspersons of two countries to study together about information on investment environment and chances as well as cooperation and making joint-venture ability in coming time,” said Mr Chokedee Kaewsang, Deputy Secretary of BOI.

Many investors and businesspersons discussed and gave retail questions related to the position, investment potential and investment preferential policies for the investment promotion list of Quang Nam province. Quang Nam authority’s leaders and Mr Hung gave clear and concrete answers and information to investors’ demands as well as the creation of most favourable conditions for them to invest in Quang Nam province.

By Nguyen Kim Bao

By Nguyen Kim Bao