Quang Nam province continues improving the investment environment and the quality of economic management to improve the PCI

12/05/2015 15:10

(QNO) - The Provincial Competitiveness Index (PCI) in Vietnam is designed to assess and rank the quality of  the annual provincial economic operation and improvement of investment-business environment.

 In 2011, the total PCI points of Quang Nam was 63.4, but in 2012, it was only 60.27 and 58.76 in 2013. In 2014,  it increased slightly (59.79 points) and ranked 16 of 64 provinces and cities (jumped 13 places compared with 2013), but it  did not meet the requirement.

Mr Dinh Van Thu, Chairman of Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee answered Quang Nam Online’s interview about the reasons of the decrease and the synchronous measures to improve the PCI of Quang Nam province in coming years.

- Dear Sir, would you please tell us the reasons which have made  the PCI of Quang Nam province  decrease in the past 3 years?

Chairman Dinh Van Thu: The main reason was the limitations and shortcomings in  economic management and governance; the cooperation between the provincial  sectors and branches was not synchronous and timely. The works of land clearance and land hand-over to investors was not in time. The labour training work for the projects did not meet the demand; some projects were invested slowly… The PCI of Quang Nam province in 2014 increased compared with 2013, but did not reach the target.

Which comprehensive measures will be implemented to improve the CPI in 2015 and the years later?

Chairman Dinh Van Thu: The year 2015 is a very important and significant one. It’s the last year of implementing the 5-year plan on socio-economic development (2011-2015). One of the three main tasks of Quang Nam province is to accelerate the three strategic breakthroughs in order to create a rapid and strong improvement on economy, social life as well as national defense and security. Quang Nam authority will put in the efforts to improve strongly the investment environment and the PCI.

First of all, Quang Nam will consolidate and supplement the provincial Investment Promotion and Enterprises Support Agency with more functions. This is a new model and the only clue to carry out the “interconnected one–door” mechanism for business registration, calling and promoting domestic and foreign investment. The leaders of the province will implement better the monthly meetings with leaders of the enterprises in various ways to resolve timely, accurately  and explicitly the difficulties and petitions of the investors and enterprises in the process of investment promotion and doing business in the province.

Another important task is reforming the administrative procedures and shortening the time for procedure resolution. Quang Nam province will also invest into the infrastructure of the Chu Lai Open Industrial Zone and other key industrial parks. These works should be closely linked with investment broadcasting, promotion and attraction… Besides, the Provincial People’s Committee will provide some synchronous measures to remove difficulties and facilitate enterprises’ operations.

Thank you very much!