1,281 EUR offered to the Association of Victims of Agent Orange / Dioxin Hoi An

14/05/2015 08:08

(QNO) - Last weekend, Mrs. Chris Geyksens (Belgian) worked with the leaders of Hoi An city’s People’s Committee and the Hoi An Association of Victims of Agent Orange/ Dioxin (AVAOD). On this occasion, Mrs. Chris Geyksens offered 1,281 EUR to the Hoi An AVAOD.

This amount of money was collected by Ms. Chris Geyksens from her friends in Bruxelles (Belgium). She expects to become a bridge between the businesspeople, her friends  and the victims of dioxin in Hoi An.

On the behalf of the victims of Agent Orange/ Dioxin in Hoi An, Mr. Nguyen Van Dung- Acting Chairman of Hoi An People’s Committee thanked for Ms.  Chris Geyksens’ and her friends’ charity . He also committed to send this help to the disadvantaged people, the victims of Agent Orange.  These Belgians were also given the reference of their precious contribution by Hoi An city.