Handling illegal tourism activities

By Giang Phan 19/07/2016 15:58

(QNO) - Mr Huynh Vinh Ai, Deputy Minister of the Vietnam Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (MCST) asked the leaders of the Tourism Departments of Da Nang city and two provinces  Thua Thien-Hue and Quang Nam to strictly handle the illegal tourism activities by foreign businesses and guides.

Chinese tourists in Hoi An city. Photo: K.L
Chinese tourists in Hoi An city. Photo: K.L

According to Mr Vu Xuan Thanh, Chief inspector of the MCST, some Chinese travel companies have recently operated illegally in Vietnam such as organizing tours without permission, Chinese tour-guides distorting the history of  Vietnam when introducing Vietnam to tourists. Those actions have met with the public objections.

Director of Da Nang Tourism Department Ngo Quang Vinh said that there were 5 Korean tour guides punished because of their illegal tourism operations in Da Nang city; two of them were forbidden to enter Vietnam in 3 years. One of the ruses some travel companies and tour guides used was to collude with some souvenir shops, commodities shops and tourism service centers…to sell products with high prices on high commission… Those things created the bad images about Vietnam in tourists’ eyes….

Mr. Huynh Vinh Ai confirmed all the illegal tourism operations seriously impacted on visitors, Vietnamese tourism and localities. Therefore, the Vietnam MCST will strictly deal with those cases to build and develop a sustainable tourism in Vietnam.

By Giang Phan

By Giang Phan