A symposium on Thanh Chiem palace and Vietnamese script

By KHANH LINH 07/08/2016 18:49

(QNO) - Vice Chairman of Quang Nam People’s Committee Le Van Thanh has just agreed with Dien Ban town People’s Committee to organize a symposium on Thanh Chiem palace and Vietnamese script on August 24, 2016.

Vice Chairman Thanh  at the meeting
Vice Chairman Thanh at the meeting

Expectedly, taking part in this event will be more than 200 domestic and international historians, linguists and scientists. They will discuss three key contents: the role of Thanh Chiem palace in expanding national borders to the South; the birth of Vietnamese script in Quang Nam and its father; conservation and promotion of the palace values.

Thanh Chiem palace founded by Lord  Nguyen Hoang in 1602 (called Quang Nam palace) locates in Dien Phuong commune, Dien Ban town, Quang Nam province. It was also the second capital city of the Inner Region.

Relic stele in ancient Thanh Chiem palace.
Relic stele in ancient Thanh Chiem palace.

In the period 1621-1625 in Thanh Chiem, priest Francisco de Pina studied Vietnamese language, used it to carry on missionary work. Then he taught Vietnamese to two clerics Alexandre de Rhodes (French) and Antonio Fonte (Portuguese). At the same time, Francisco de Pina wrote two books, The Method of Vietnamese Latinizing and Vietnamese Grammar.