Quang Nam develops in company with JICA

By XUAN THO 10/11/2016 20:48

(QNO) - The delegation of the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Quang Nam Union of Friendship Organizations have recently had a discussion about achievements, difficulties and specific plans for the future of the projects funded by JICA.

JICA delegation at Farmers’ Store in Binh An rest stop.
JICA delegation at Farmers’ Store in Binh An rest stop.

JICA projects perfection

Since late October, 2015, JICA has gone on their supports to complete the last projects’ components. They include introducing and opening the market of My Hung Safe Vegetables Cooperative’s (Binh Trieu commune) products under VietGAP standards to Danang city, propagandizing Quang Nam tourism potentials at Binh An rest area, and supporting equipment and technology for Tien Phuoc agarwood craft village. The total of VND 7.5 billion funded by JICA has been spent on seminars, workshops, training courses, technology transfer and equipment for the projects. Their deeds also lay the groundwork for new projects in Quang Nam.

Agarwood grinder sponsored by JICA to Tien Phuoc Agarwood Association.
Agarwood grinder sponsored by JICA to Tien Phuoc Agarwood Association.

Make advantage of the strength

According to Fumio Kato - Chief Representative of JICA Vietnam, it is necessary to focus on completing the rest components of the projects because all of them will comprehensively complement each other after finishing. Mr. Katoalso mentioned some Quang Nam’s domestic and international brands such as Tien Phuoc agarwood (Tien Phuoc district), Phuoc Kieu bronze (Dien Ban town), Kim Bong carpentry products, Tra Que vegetable, Thanh Ha pottery (Hoi An city) that have more or less attractive to visitors. However, there are not many stores that are enough seductive to turn visitors into customers in these craft villages. Therefore, JICA has funded a trip of 20 Quang Nam’s people to Thailand in order to experience and learn about the model “each village one product” – a very successful model in many countries, especially in Japan and Thailand.

At the meeting with the provincial Union of Friendship Organizations last week, the JICA experts emphasized the importance of Quang Nam tourism electronic maps, where travelers will easily find the provincial tourism information through a tablet or smartphone. More important, the maps will introduce to tourists the local products and the chain of stores selling them.