Quang Nam: Innovation for development

By TRINH DUNG 30/11/2016 09:43

(QNO) - Quang Nam authorities have recently planned in detail to improve the quality of each sub-index of the provincial comparativeness index (PCI) so that Quang Nam province can become an attractive address to investors and businessmen.

Ground clearance
Ground clearance

Turn words into action

The Quang Nam PCI has been changed; investment climate and provincial leadership have been appreciated. However, they have not been enough and not really created any breakthrough. Hence, the provincial leaders have planned to better every sub-index of the PCI to steadily put Quang Nam in top 10 provinces and cities that have the highest PCI of the country. It is particularly essential to focus on some sub-indices of the access to land, a transparent business environment and equitable business information, informal charges and entry costs, labor training and provincial leadership.

In addition, Quang Nam will facilitate some business consulting and support services of tax, legality, audit among others.

Hope of a breakthrough

To boost the PCI, Chairman of Quang Nam People’s Committee Dinh Van Thu suggested facing the provincial temporary weakness to have fit solutions. It is the problems of a transparent investment environment, leadership… A lot of businesses were in sympathy with this move of Quang Nam authority. They hoped to see a new appearance of Quang Nam with its absolute innovation. They also believed that investors and businessmen could save their time and money thanks to the province’s determination of administrative reform.

By guidelines of regarding businesses as the served objects, of building an e-government and a public administrative center, Quang Nam is hoped to bring opportunities for businesses’ stable growth, create provincial breakthrough development in just a few years.