High-level talk between Quang Nam and Champasak provinces

By NGUYEN DOAN 30/11/2016 09:50

(QNO) - The high-ranking delegation from Champasak province of Laos headed by Party Committee Secretary Bouthong Divisay and Quang Nam delegation led by Standing Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Phan Viet Cuong and Chairman of People’s Committee Dinh Van Thu met for a high-level talk in Tam Ky city, Quang Nam province on November 28. The meeting with the participation of Consul General of Laos in Vietnam’s Danang city Khamsene Phommaseng aimed to evaluate the results of cooperation between the two provinces in the period of 2012-2016 and sign a cooperation agreement for the period  2017-2021.

Cooperation signing ceremony between Quang Nam and Champasak provinces for the period  2017 – 2021
Cooperation signing ceremony between Quang Nam and Champasak provinces for the period 2017 – 2021

At the meeting, the leaders of two provinces briefly informed each other about the socio-economic development in the past time. The cooperative relationship between two sides in many fields, especially culture, education and training has been keeping on developing. The two sides have initially cooperated in tourism, tourism advertisement, cultural development, experience exchange of heritage conservation, investment promotion…

Mr Bouthong Divisay (left) gives a souvenir to Quang Nam province
Mr Bouthong Divisay (left) gives a souvenir to Quang Nam province

According to the cooperation agreement 2017–2021 signed at this meeting, the two provinces will further strengthen the cooperation in various fields such as investment, trade, businesses and investors meeting, fulfillment of East West Economic Corridor 2, culture, tourism, exchange of experience on management, exploit and conservation of cultural heritages My Son Sanctuary (Quang Nam) and Vat phu (Champasak), education and training…