Green and sustainable growth

QNN 18/10/2020 19:24

Building climate resilient infrastructure and pursuing green growth for sustainability has been recently implemented by Quang Nam province .

Hoi An eco-urban area
Hoi An eco-urban area

Quang Nam province has invested in the vulnerable areas in the period of 2020-2022 such as the Thu Bon (Duy Xuyen district) and Nuoc La (Nam Tra Mi district) river banks, Cua Dai beach (Hoi An city), mountainous areas.

These projects not only respond to climate change but also contribute to socio-economic growth, restoration of natural ecosystems and protection of biodiversity, conservation of cultural values, environmental protection.

Green Tam Ky city
Green Tam Ky city

Under the Vietnam-Europe Union Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT), businesses in Quang Nam province are responsible for technical stages of afforestation and social liability (labor use, health care, food safety …) for green forestry development.