Introducing Co Tu knitting craft

QNN 21/10/2020 15:20

An exhibition on knitting handicrafts of Co Tu ethnic people in Vietnam’s Quang Nam province has just been organized in Ha Nọi city.

Visitors at the exhibition
Visitors at the exhibition

People coming to this exhibition can learn about the special features of life, customs, culture and knitting craft of Co Tu ethnic group.

Co Tu artisans performing knitting at the exhibition
Co Tu artisans performing knitting at the exhibition

The event is part of the subproject “Improving sustainable livelihoods for ethnic minorities through the development of value chains of rattan, bamboo and medicinal herbs to enhance biodiversity conservation in Quang Nam” which has been deployed since 2019 by Truong Son Xanh (Green Annamites) project under USAID (United State Agency for International Development).

Co Tu knitted products at the exhibition
Co Tu knitted products at the exhibition

The subproject has been implemented in the mountainous districts of Dong Giang, Tay Giang and Nam Giang (Quang Nam) – home of Co Tu people in Vietnam.