Digital transformation and innovative capacity enhancement

QNN 11/12/2020 15:59

A workshop on digital transformation and innovative capacity enhancement in Quang Nam province has just been organized by the Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee and the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam.

Scene of the workshop
Scene of the workshop

Speaking at the workshop, Vice Chairman of the Quang Nam People’s Committee Ho Quang Buu stated digital transformation plays an important role in promoting the economic restructuring, improving productivity and competitiveness of the province.

Therefore, in the coming time, Quang Nam will accelerate the administrative reform in combination with digital transformation to meet the demands of local people and businesses.

The workshop discussed the issues related to digital transformation such as: national digital transformation strategy, industrial revolution 4.0, human resources for digital transformation, challenges and opportunities, Facebook's Libra currency and its impact on the world financial system, brands of agricultural products and Quang Nam tourism with digital marketing ...