Song Thanh National Park

QNN 22/12/2020 22:23

The 76,660ha Song Thanh Nature Reserve was turned into Song Thanh National Park by Quang Nam province on December 18.

Song Thanh National Park
Song Thanh National Park

Song Thanh National Park is located in Nam Giang and Phuoc Son districts.

The establishment of Song Thanh National Park aims to build a wildlife reserve in Central Truong Son (Annamities) and protect forests better, serving the conservation of natural values, biodiversity, endangered and rare species of flora and fauna, environment; climate change adaptation and tourism development.

Reportedly, there are more than 830 higher plants, including 23 endemic species and 49 species of Vietnam’s Red List.

It is also home of 53 types of mammals, 183 species of birds, 44 species of reptiles, 21 species of amphibians, 25 species of fishes and various invertebrate animals.