Green growth, key for sustainable development

QNN 06/02/2022 18:08

(QNO) - Quang Nam pursues the path of sustainable development via green- criterion- based tourism recovery and eco- industrial models.

Green tourism in Quang Nam
Green tourism in Quang Nam

Green tourism

Green tourism is supposed to make distinct values, attracting more tourists to Quang Nam.

The development of green tourism products and exploitation of interesting new tourist attractions will attract more civilized tourists with high spending, contributing to local sustainable development, environmental protection, conservation and promotion of cultural- historical values and natural landscapes.

Quang Nam is known as the first place of the country to launch a set of green tourism criteria that are applied for hotels, homestays, resorts, travel agencies, community-based tourism sites, and other tourist attractions.

Green tourism had been developed for years in Quang Nam before the launch of green tourism criteria by the Provincial People’s Committee (PPC) in December 2021.

Such models can be known as tourism villages of Tra Nhieu and My Son in Duy Xuyen district, Triem Tay in Dien Ban, Cam Thanh ecotourism village, Cu Lao Cham in Hoi An among others.

Green tourism models in Quang Nam
Green tourism models in Quang Nam

Besides, the campaign against plastic bags and bottles has been launched, encouraging individuals and organizations to use eco-friendly products for the local sustainable development.

There are more and more green tours appearing in Quang Nam such as garbage collection, recycling, recovery of resources.

They have become attractive to visitors, especially foreigners. In particular, turning the waste treatment process into a tourism product is one of the new creative ways.

Emic Travel is the pioneer in resource recovery tourism which introduces some tourism models and products coming from waste, whereby the message of sustainable development is spread.

Green tourism is a global trend of tourism with the main factors of economic benefits, environmental protection, resource circulation, and cultural conservation.

The space of green tourism in Quang Nam is now growing and spreading to the western region with ‘return to nature’ tours.

A lot of tourist attractions have been formed, including Song Tranh national park, community- based tourism villages of Bho Hoong and Dho Roong (Dong Giang), Zara brocade weaving village (Nam Giang), Fokienia heritage forest (Tay Giang), Ngoc Linh ginseng area (Nam Tra My), and Loc Yen ancient village (Tien Phuoc).

Eco-industrial development

Socioeconomic development associated with environmental protection and response to climate change is the way Quang Nam chooses.

A brick factory in Dai Quang industrial cluster (Dai Loc district)
A brick factory in Dai Quang industrial cluster (Dai Loc district)

The development of ecological industrial parks and clusters (eco-IPs & Cs) is an inevitable trend in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution when cheap labours and rich natural resources are no longer a strength.

Ecological industry is believed to be the key for sustainable development in the time to come.

Recognising the importance of clean and environmentally friendly production to the health of the economy, Quang Nam is ready to promulgate regulations on planning and investment in the construction of eco-IPs & Cs in the province.

Accordingly, the enterprises in eco-IPs & Cs are required to have their circulating wastewater treatment systems, to use renewable energy, and to have a private green space.

According to Chairman of the PPC Le Tri Thanh, Quang Nam will soon promulgate a set of criteria for building green industrial zones, proper for local characteristics and national strategies for green growth.

Reportedly, industry accounts for 28.4% of Quang Nam economic structure. In spite of bad impacts of Covid-19, the growth of the provincial industry still increased by 9.1%.