Quang Nam announcement about tourism stimulus

QNN 03/06/2022 12:30

(QNO) - A press conference on a tourism stimulus programme called Quang Nam- A Touch of Summer was held on May 31. It is one of the six themes of the National Tourism Year- Quang Nam 2022.

Tran Van Tan at the press conference
Tran Van Tan at the press conference

It is reported that there will be a lot of outstanding and interesting activities and events held everywhere in the province, including a music and food festival in An Bang beach, a fashion show, Vietnam brocade and silk festival, gongs festival, Cu Lao Cham tourism, Loc Yen ancient village festival, Mangosteen festival, Sea Festival, Chu Lai rendezvous, Ngoc Linh ginseng festival, and national sports competitions such as badminton, tennis and golf.

According to Ha Van Sieu, Deputy Director General of the General Department of Tourism, Quang Nam owns great potential for tourism development, especially green tourism, including advantages of geopolitical position with a long historical tradition, tangible and intangible cultural heritages, landscapes, natural reserves, and a rich system of rivers and lakes.

Scene of the press conference
Scene of the press conference

Tran Van Tan, Deputy Chairman of the Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee said that Quang Nam, as the host of the National Tourism Year 2022, has a big opportunity to do the local tourism promotion and advertising, make the linkage with other provinces and cities for national and local tourism development after Covid-19.

On this occasion, the Quang Nam provincial People's Committee signed a cooperation agreement with Vietjet Air and Bamboo Airways to support the local tourism stimulus.

Reportedly, 16 tourism enterprises in the province also cooperate to support each other in the summer tourism stimulus program.

Tourism recovery in Quang Nam
Tourism recovery in Quang Nam

The tourism stimulus programme “Quang Nam- A Touch to Summer” takes place from June 1 to September 30, 2022.

It is updated regularly on Visit Quang Nam, Quangnamtourism.com.vn, vhttdlqnam.gov.vn, Facebook, Zalo, Tiktok, Instagram, etc.

There are also flash sales on fanpage visitquangnam from the first to eighth of June.

Quang Nam - Vietjet Air cooperation agreement
Quang Nam - Vietjet Air cooperation agreement

The programme of Quang Nam- A Touch of Summer owns 13 product packages with discounts, such as luxury resorts, MICE, golf, natural and ecological tours to mountainous areas, free and easy packages including flight tickets and 4-5 star hotels. Hopefully, they will be attractive to visitors.