Chinese media widely cover Vietnamese Party chief’s activities

QNN 01/11/2022 22:50

VOV.VN - Major Chinese media outlets have published a range of articles reflecting the ongoing activities of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong during his official visit to China at the invitation of General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping.

General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping.
General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong (L) and General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping.

Information detailing the welcome ceremony, talks between the two Party leaders, and the ceremony to present the Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China to General Secretary Trong chaired by President Xi Jinping were front page of the November 1 issue of People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the CPC.

During talks, President Xi Jinping warmly welcomed General Secretary Trong for an official visit to China following the 20th Party National Congress, thereby affirming that the visit shows both sides’ recognition of the great importance to the development of ties between the two Parties and nations.

Both sides agreed to consolidate their traditional friendship, strategic communication, and political trust, properly manage differences, as well as continuing to take the comprehensive strategic co-operative partnership that exists between the two sides to new heights.

On page two, the People's Daily also published an interview with Le Hoai Trung, head of the Central Party Committee's Foreign Affairs Commission, affirming the leading role of the top leaders of the two Parties and countries in deepening strategic and comprehensive ties moving into the new situation. In addition, the article outlined the expectations that the two sides will continue to strengthen friendly exchanges between the two parties and countries at all levels as part of efforts to enhance exchanges between the two parties in bilateral ties.

Last night saw China Central Radio and Television spend more than a third of its time covering the welcoming ceremony and talks between the two Party chiefs whilst discussing the most important current affairs of the day.

The Xinhua News Agency's reports on the activities of General Secretary Trong and President Xi Jinping were also republished in full by many other media outlets in China's central and local administrations.

In an article published on the People's Daily October 31, Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo affirmed China’s willingness to work alongside Vietnam to persevere the strategic guidance of the top leaders of the two Parties. They will therefore seek to constantly consolidate political trust, strengthen solidarity and co-operation, whilst boosting stable and long-term development of relations between the two countries.

Information regarding the welcome ceremony, talks between the two Party leaders and the ceremony to present the Friendship Medal of the People's Republic of China to General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong chaired by Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping were front paged in November 1 issue of the People's Daily, the mouthpiece of the CPC.

During the talks, General Secretary and President Xi Jinping warmly welcomed Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong for an official visit to China right after the 20th Party National Congress, and affirmed that the China visit by the Vietnamese Party chief shows both sides’ recognition of great importance to the development of relations between the two Parties and the two nations.

The two sides agreed to consolidate the traditional friendship, strategic communication, and political trust, properly manage differences, and continue to take a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two sides to new heights.

On page two, the People's Daily also published an interview with head of the Central Party Committee's Foreign Affairs Commission Le Hoai Trung affirming the leading role of the top leaders of the two Parties and countries in deepening strategic and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and China in the new situation, as well as the expectation that the two sides will continue to strengthen friendly exchanges between the two parties and the two countries at all levels in order to enhance the exchange role between the two parties in bilateral ties.

Earlier last night, China Central Radio and Television also spent more than a third of the time on the most important current affairs of the day covering the welcoming ceremony and talks between the two Party chiefs.

The Xinhua News Agency's reports on the activities of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and Party General Secretary and President of China Xi Jinping were also republished in full by many other media outlets in China's central and local administrations in a dignified place.

Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Xiong Bo in an article published on October 31 in the People's Daily affirmed China’s willingness to work with Vietnam to persevere the strategic guidance of the top leaders of the two Parties, constantly consolidate political trust, strengthen solidarity and cooperation, and promote stable and long-term development of relations between the two countries.

An article published on the morning of November 1 on the front page of the Global Times, an agency of the People's Daily, affirmed that the relationship between both sides will be raised to new heights following the visit of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Vietnam and China have therefore agreed to strengthen strategic meetings, enhance political mutual trust, and control differences in order to develop a stronger strategic partnership. They will be seeking to boost co-operation in the new era to a higher level following meetings between General Secretary Trong and senior Chinese leaders in Beijing.

The article in the Global newspaper quoted analysts as saying that the two leaders witnessed the signing of a series of co-operation documents in a variety of fields, thereby demonstrating a high level of political trust and laying the foundations for the further deepening of the bilateral relationship in the future amid an increasingly complex international environment.

President Xi Jinping said that with both sides facing new opportunities and challenges, he remains ready with General Secretary Trong to hold in-depth discussions on socialist construction and the development of relations between two parties and two countries.

He presented China's Friendship Order to General Secretary Trong of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee.

Activities of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong are front-paged on the People's Daily.
Activities of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong are front-paged on the People's Daily.

The order is awarded to people who have made outstanding contributions to promoting Chinese socialist modernisation, as well as exchanges and co-operation between China and other nations.

After talks held on October 31, the two leaders witnessed the signing of co-operation documents on political parties, economics, trade, environmental protection, culture and tourism, justice, customs, and local issues.

According Xu Liping, a research fellow on Southeast Asian studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, General Secretary Trong's visit to China has yielded plenty of encouraging results, particularly with the signing of co-operation documents across a multitude of fields.

This also highlights the relationship of both sides as good comrades, neighbours, partners, and friends.

The two leaders therefore agreed to constantly promote socialist modernisation, adjust development strategies, and ramp up co-operation across multiple fields, such as health and healthcare, green development, digital economy, and climate change adaptation.

President Xi Jinping said that China views ASEAN as a priority in its regional foreign policy and a key area for high-quality Belt and Road co-operation, whilst placing great importance to Vietnam's role as part of the bloc.

Sun Xiaoling, a researcher at the Guangxi Academy of Social Sciences, said that the primary focus of General Secretary Trong's visit to China was economic and trade co-operation due to China's vast market offering huge opportunities for Vietnamese manufacturing industries, especially agricultural and fishery products.

China represents the country’s largest trading partner over many consecutive years, whilst Vietnam remains the largest Chinese trading partner in ASEAN.

According to details given by the Vietnam Ministry of Industry and Trade, China represents Vietnam's largest import market with a turnover of roughly US$55.9 billion, an increase of 37 times compared to 2002.

Moreover, Vietnam is not only a key member of ASEAN, but is also an important economy participating in the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which China and other key economies in the Asia-Pacific region have strongly promoted.

Due to this, analysts say that Vietnam and China have a strong need to foster bilateral ties as both sides view each other as an important strategic partner to further promote the economic integration in the region, especially amid world being in a state of serious instability.