Coastal road in Quang Nam

QNN 12/11/2023 11:18

(QNO) - The 36.5-kilometre coastal road between Tam Ky and Hoi An has been completed after nearly 2 years of construction, contributing to local socio-economic development.

The road is named after Vo Chi Cong from Cua Dai Bridge (Duy Xuyen) to Tam Phu commune (Tam Ky). It is 38 metres wide.
The road is named after Vo Chi Cong from Cua Dai Bridge (Duy Xuyen) to Tam Phu commune (Tam Ky). It is 38 metres wide. Vnexpress
The road goes through protective forests and sandy areas in Eastern Quang Nam, costing nearly VND800 billion.
The road goes through protective forests and sandy areas in Eastern Quang Nam. Vnexpress
The road is designed at level 2 of the plain scale at a speed of 70 km/h. It helps shorten the distance between Danang and Tam Ky (Quang Nam) and reduce traffic pressure on National Highway 1A. The road includes two sides of four lanes and a 2.5-metre median strip. The sidewalk is 7.5 metres wide.
The road is designed at level 2 of the plain scale at a speed of 70 km/h. It helps shorten the distance between Danang and Tam Ky (Quang Nam) and reduce traffic pressure on National Highway 1A. The road includes two sides of four lanes and a 2.5-metre median strip. The sidewalk is 7.5 metres wide. Vnexpress
The road is completed with lightening system, rows of trees.
The road is completed with lightening system, rows of trees. Vnexpress
Coconuts, palms, and oil palms are grown along the road. The sidewalks are paved with bricks as walkways.
Coconuts, palms, and oil palms are grown along the road. The sidewalks are paved with bricks as walkways. Vnexpress
There are 10 intersections at the same level, 7 of which are equipped with traffic lights.
There are 10 intersections at the same level, 7 of which are equipped with traffic lights. Vnexpress
The road goes by a coastal resort and entertainment area in Thang Binh district. It helps attract more tourism projects.
The road goes by a coastal resort and entertainment area in Thang Binh district. It helps attract more tourism projects. Vnexpress
5-tonne trucks are not allowed to use the road because it is built for tourism development and local livelihood.
5-tonne trucks are not allowed to use the road because it is built for tourism development and local livelihood. Vnexpress
The road is aimed at developing coastal tourism and urban and industrial areas. At the same time, it is hoped to expand development space with Da Nang and Quang Ngai.
The road is aimed at developing coastal tourism and urban and industrial areas. At the same time, it is hoped to expand development space with Da Nang and Quang Ngai. Vnexpress
The road goes through Duy Xuyen, Thang Binh and Tam Ky.
The road goes through Duy Xuyen, Thang Binh and Tam Ky. Vnexpress

Q.THU briefly translated from Vnexpress