Medicinal herbs store

• 18/08/2018 01:15

(QNO) - The Muoi Cuong medicinal herbs store is a believable address where natural herbal products are sold. It was built in Tra Mai commune, Nam Tra My district by Ho Thi Muoi 5 years ago.

Ho Thi Muoi and her products.
Ho Thi Muoi and her products.

Raising herbal values

Ho Thi Muoi is a Ca Dong girl. After graduating from university, she worked for the Department of Agriculture of Nam Tra My district. When working with ethnic people, she found that lots of precious medicinal herbs collected naturally were unbought or bought at very low price. So she decided to become the link between the local medicinal herbs and the market. Later, she decided to set up the Muoi Cuong medicinal herbs store, where all the natural medicinal herbs (mushrooms, ginseng, Jiaogulan…) collected by the ethnic are stored. Then, they are preliminary treated and sold at suitable price. Besides, the store is also the place where mountainous natural products can approach to their customers everywhere in the country.


The products under Muoi Cuong trade name have been present at all the fairs around the country and partly known by customers nationwide. They are also sold in some of Muong Thanh supermarkets and medicinal herbs agents in Thang Binh district and Da Nang city. In 2017, Muoi Cuong products were introduced in the ASEAN products fair held in Singapore.

The Muoi Cuong products are now chosen for the OCOP (one commune one product) project. It is an opportunity for their bags and their brands to be promoted. Hopefully, the store will help the ethnic sell their products at appropriate price, raising their income and improving their lives.