Seeking a way to allure Indian tourists to Quang Nam

QNN 17/10/2023 16:07

(QNO) - Dr. Ton Sinh Thanh, the former Ambassador of Vietnam to India, has just shared basic information about Indian culture and the great potential of this tourist market for the Vietnam tourism industry in general and Hoi An city's (Quang Nam province) in particular.

Indian tourists to Hoi An city, Quang Nam province
Indian tourists to Hoi An city

On October 16, speaking at the training session in Hoi An with the participation of local travel businesses on learning about the Indian tourism market, former Ambassador of Vietnam to India Ton Sinh Thanh said Southeast Asia is gradually emerging as a favourite tourist destination (attracting about 4 - 5 million Indian tourists each year).

Especially, the Central Region of Vietnam and India have many similarities in many aspects. So, it will be easier to adapt by attracting more Indian tourists to Central Vietnam.

Former Ambassador Ton Sinh Thanh shares information of Indian tourism market.
Former Ambassador Ton Sinh Thanh shares information of Indian tourism market.

Accordingly, India has entered the top 10 largest international tourist markets in Quang Nam in the first half of 2023.

Reporting by Q.TUAN - Translating by Q.HUNG