Vietnamese typical dishes in Quang Nam

QNN 14/09/2023 21:18

(QNO) - Three dishes in the Quang Nam culinary culture are recognised as Vietnam’s typical dishes, including Quang noodles, Cao lau, crushed rice crackers (bánh đập).

Quang noodles
Quang noodles

The Quang Nam chefs’ club under the Quang Nam Culinary Culture Association (QCCA) was founded on September 12.

On this occasion, the Vietnam Culinary Culture Association offered the certificate of Vietnam’s typical dishes to 3 dishes in Quang Nam, including Quang noodles, Cao lau, and crushed rice crackers.

Quang Nam chefs’ club
Quang Nam chefs’ club

The foundation of QCCA is expected to enhance the linkage and cooperation between the resources of culture, knowledge, science and technology in order to promote Quang Nam culinary culture, connect Quang Nam artisans throughout Vietnam, and create a value chain and a supply chain to bring Quang Nam cuisine abroad.