Digital technology in Quang Nam

QNN 21/08/2023 16:04

(QNO) - Farmers in Quang Nam are applying digital technology in farming, which has been approved by the Provincial People’s Committee and facilitates the consumption of their products.

Technological application in farming
Technological application in farming

According to Ho Quang Buu, Deputy Chairman of the Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee, digital transformation is a global trend and widely applied in agricultural production in Vietnam.

Quang Nam now has policies to support farmers and agricultural facilities to register codes and barcodes for products with geographical indications so that their products may access export markets easily.

Besides, the province has mechanisms to promote innovative start-ups, science and technology entrepreneurship development.

In addition, Quang Nam gives priority to projects on applying technology for agricultural production and processing.

E-pay in a rustic market in Quang Nam
E-pay in a rustic market in Quang Nam

In particular, Quang Nam helps to send local OCOP and agricultural products to e-commerce platforms.

Quang Nam farmers have recently applied scientific and technological advances in farming. At the same time, e-payment has been used in traditional markets.

In combination with technological applications in farming, several gardens in Quang Nam have used microbial products and bio-organic fertilisers in order to ensure nutrients for plants and improve the quality of products.

Thanks to using technology for farming, farmers in Quang Nam can save time and have good harvests.

Digital transformation is now applied synchronously, contributing to digital and rural economic development.

Most of the products produced by using technology are attached with QR codes that can trace their origin.

Ngoc Linh ginseng with QR code
Ngoc Linh ginseng with QR code

Currently, Tien Phuoc district (Quang Nam province) is piloting smart new rural communes in e-commerce to advertise local products, then developing smart communes and villages in the district.

Quang Nam is continuing to effectively implement administrative reform and information technology applications for the development of e-government and digital government.

Besides, digital transformation is promoted in provincial agencies and services with shared databases.