Vietnam - Laos exchange of budget management

01/07/2017 21:58

(QNO) - A conference on centralization of state budget and public debt management was organized in Tam Ky city on June 27 by the Finance and Budget Committee of the Vietnamese National Assembly, the Lao National Assembly’s Planning, Finance and Audit Committee, and Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee. 

Vietnam-Laos exchange of budget management (Photo: VNA)
Vietnam-Laos exchange of budget management (Photo: VNA)

Present at the conference were Chairman of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Finance and Budget Committee Nguyen Duc Hai; Chairman of the Planning, Finance and Audit Committee of the Lao National Assembly Vilayvong Budakham; leaders of Quang Nam, Vietnamese and Lao provinces; Consul General of Laos in Danang Khamssene Phommaseng; Vietnamese and Lao experts.

The event is one of the activities of the 40th Anniversary of the Vietnam-Laos Friendship and Cooperation (July 18) and 55 years of Vietnam-Laos Diplomatic Relationships (September 5).

Both Mr. Nguyen Duc Hai and Mr. Vilayvong Budakam affirmed that the conference was an opportunity for exchanging experiences in budget management between the two countries’ parliaments in general and between the two finance and budget committees in particular. The event contributed to the further strength of the comprehensive traditional friendship between the two countries, making it better and better.

At the conference, a lot of proposals, discussions and solutions to the centralization of budget and public debit management in Vietnam and Laos were presented. On behalf of Quang Nam’s leaders, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Tran Dinh Tung gave a presentation of experiences in budget management in Quang Nam.