Hoi An and Wernigerode celebrate their 10th anniversary of friendship

QNN 29/08/2023 16:20

(QNO) - The 10th anniversary of friendship and twinning relationships between Hoi An city (Quang Nam province, Vietnam) and Wernigerode city was organised in Wernigerode (Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany) on August 25.

Hoi An Lantern Festival in Wernigerode
Hoi An Lantern Festival in Wernigerode

Hoi An and Wernigerode signed an agreement to establish friendship and a twinning relationship on July 26, 2013. It has opened a new turning point in the cooperation between the two sides.

Over the past 10 years, the two sides have constantly increased exchanges in economy, culture, education, tourism, science, environment, and climate change response, such as the Hoi An Lantern Festival in Wernigerode, German Beer Festival in Hoi An.

Wernigerode has supported the people of Cam Kim commune (Hoi An) to overcome the damage caused by natural disasters like storms and floods, helping Hoi An workers to study and work in Wernigerode.

Besides, Wernigerode and the Government of Germany sponsored a solar energy project at Hoi An’s Hoai River Square in 2018.

Chairman of the Hoi An People's Committee Nguyen Van Son highlighted that cooperation activities between Hoi An and Wernigerode over the past ten years have helped strengthen connections and people-to-people exchanges between the two cities in particular and the two countries in general.

Hoi An Garden in Wernigerode
Hoi An Garden in Wernigerode

For his part, Mayor of Wernigerode Tobias Kascha said the leaders of Hoi An and Wernigerode agreed on certain points in their upcoming cooperation plan.

Hoi An continues to closely coordinate with relevant units of Wernigerode city to build the project "Hoi An Ecological Road" to create an attractive tourist route and contribute to raising awareness of environmental protection towards sustainable development.