More than 100 million VND from “The Cotu Community Based Tourism” Project

By Nguyen Kim Bao 06/09/2013 11:37

(QNO) - According to the report on “The Cotu Community Based Tourism” project  (The Cotu CBTP) implemented by  four sides: the People’s Committee of Tabhing commune, Nam Giang district, Quang Nam province and FIDR (Foundation for International Development and Relief - Japan), after nearly one year of deploying and 5 month of test operation, the project attracted 20 international tourist groups to visited this ethnic group with total turnover reached nearly 100 million VND.

The main purpose of the Cotu CBTP is to take full advantage of local strengths to create new active changes over economic developments, environmental protection, traditional culture promotion as well as increasing residents’ income and reducing poverty sustainably for the Cotu ethnic group in Nam Giang district. The main objective customer is “tourist group” and the tour programmes are created by the tour operating unit organised and implemented by local residents.

Taking part in this tour, all tourists have opportunities to sightseeing and experience main performances such as Tung tung Ya Ya dance, the Cotu’s traditional custome, taking photos with Gia lang  (chief of a ethnic hamlet), weaving brocade by Cotu women; enjoying the beautiful landscape  of Grang water fall and the Cotu cusine culture, joining Sap dance with local residents… The Cotu CBTP will be ended in March 2016.

By Nguyen Kim Bao

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More than 100 million VND from “The Cotu Community Based Tourism” Project