Logo for National Start-up Year - Quang Nam 2023

QNN 06/12/2022 23:23

(QNO) - The logo for the National Start-up Year - Quang Nam 2023 has recently been approved by the Quang Nam provincial People’s Committee.

Logo for the National Start-up Year - Quang Nam 2023
Logo for the National Start-up Year - Quang Nam 2023

The logo was inspired by the symbol of science and technology - innovation, by the cultural value of a tripod which means constancy, perseverance, passion, commitment, and by a meeting for three regions (North, Central, and South) in Quang Nam. It is also understood as Quang Nam, the land of creative start-up.

The logo has 4 main colours, green, blue, violet, and brown. Green is the colour of nature and start-up. Blue refers to the vast sea and sky, the desire to reach out. Violet represents the sustainable infrastructure. Brown shows simple rustic indigenous cultural values.

Besides, the yellow from “Quang Nam 2023” is the highlight, creating the solidity. It is also metaphorised as the light, the consistence, optimism, vitality, and creativity. It is in combination with 4 others to make a metaphor for the Five Phases and the legend of Five phoenixes flying together.

The combination of colours and cubes shows the vitality, passion for start-up and innovation based on the local values and  an aspiration for future in the digital era.

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Logo for National Start-up Year - Quang Nam 2023