Lao traditional New Year Greetings

09/04/2018 15:24

(QNO) - The Quang Nam delegation led by Standing Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Phan Viet Cuong has just visited the Consulate General of Lao People’s Democratic Republic (PDR) in Da Nang city and sent them the New Year greetings on the occasion of Lao traditional New Year called Bunpimay (14-16 April 2017).

Standing Deputy Secretary Cuong (left) at the Laotian Consulate General in Da Nang city
Standing Deputy Secretary Cuong (left) at the Laotian Consulate General in Da Nang city

On behalf of the Quang Nam provincial delegation, Standing Deputy Secretary Cuong sent his best wishes to Consul General Phommaseng Khamsene, his spouse, all staff members of the Consulate General as well as the leaders of the Party, State and people of Laos on the occasion of their traditional New Year. At the same time, Mr Cuong briefly informed of the situation of the cooperative relationship between Quang Nam and Lao provinces of Se Kong and Champasak in education, security and defence, transport, tourism.

Mr Cuong sends his best wishes to the Consulate General of Laos in Da Nang city
Mr Cuong sends his best wishes to the Consulate General of Laos in Da Nang city

In reply, Consul General Phommaseng Khamsene thanked for the helps Quang Nam province has given to Laotian localities. He also appreciated the provincial strong development over the years and believed in the strong close relationship between Quang Nam and Lao localities in the coming time.

Consul General Phommaseng Khamsene (right) fastens the thread on Mr Cuong’s wrist as a traditional ritual of Lao New Year
Consul General Phommaseng Khamsene (right) fastens the thread on Mr Cuong’s wrist as a traditional ritual of Lao New Year

According to Mr Cuong, the Quang Nam delegation led by Secretary of the Quang Nam provincial Party Committee Nguyen Ngoc Quang is going to visit and give the best wishes to Lao localities on the Bunpimay festival to look after the friendship between Quang Nam and Lao localities in particular and between two nations Viet-Laos in general.

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Lao traditional New Year Greetings