Indian President Kovind visits My Son Sanctuary

19/11/2018 11:42

(QNO) - On the occasion of his visit to Vietnam from 18 to 20 November at the invitation of General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind and his wife along with a high-ranking delegation visited My Son Sanctuary in Quang Nam province, Vietnam on the morning of November 19.

Quang Nam Party Secretary Nguyen Ngoc Quang, Chairman of Quang Nam People’s Committtee Dinh Van Thu and representatives of provincial departments and agencies welcomed the Indian delegation.

Đồng chí Nguyễn Ngọc Quang và đồng chí Đinh Văn Thu đón tiếp Tổng thống Ấn Độ
Chairman Thu (left) and Indian President Kovind.

On behalf of the Party, authority and people of Quang Nam province, Secretary Quang warmly welcomed Indian President Kovind and his fellows to Quang Nam and My Son Sanctuary - a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Lãnh đạo tỉnh chụp ảnh lưu niệm cùng đoàn đại biểu cấp cao Ấn Độ. Ảnh: K.L
Quang Nam leaders and Indian high-ranking delegation.

Secretary Quang briefly introduced to his guests Quang Nam province, a 500-year-old land with several UNESCO World Cultural Heritages.

Tổng thống Ấn Độ cảm thấy vinh dự khi được thăm Khu đền tháp Mỹ Sơn
Indian President Kovind (right) at My Son Sanctuary.

Beside My Son Sanctuary, there are Hoi An ancient town, a port in the past, Cham Islands Biosphere Reserve, the art of Bai Choi - an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Central Vietnam. My Son Sanctuary with over 70 architectural works of refined bricks and sandstones was built between 7th and 13th centuries. It was regarded as one of the most unique and important centers of temple artchitecture of ancient Cham kingdom.

 Khu đền tháp Mỹ Sơn mang đậm dấu ấn của văn hóa Hindu Ấn Độ
My Son Sanctuary strongly bearing the stamp of Hindu culture, India.

On behalf of the provincial leaders, Secretary Quang sincerely thanked the Indian Government, President Kovind, experts, scientists for their precious support to help Quang Nam restore and conserve My Son Sanctuary. He also hoped to receive more supports from India in this field. 

Chuyến thăm của Tổng thống Ấn Độ mở ra nhiều cơ hội hơn trong hơp tác bảo tồn di sản giữa hai nước
The visit of the President of India opens opportunities for cooperation in heritage conservation between the two countries.
 Đồng thời cũng thể hiện sự cam kết của Chính phủ Ấn Độ trong việc bảo tồn các nhóm tháp ở Mỹ Sơn
At the same time, it expresses the commitment of the Indian Government to My Son conservation.

In visitors’ book, Indina Kovind thanked for the solemn reception of Quang Nam leaders and the My Son management board.

Chụp ảnh lưu niệm tại chân tháp Mỹ Sơn
Taking picture at My Son towers.
Tổng thống Ấn Độ trồng cây bồ đề lưu niệm được mang từ Ấn Độ sang Mỹ Sơn
Indian President Kovind plants a Bodhi tree in My Son Sanctuary. It is brought from his country.
Tổng thống Ấn Độ ghi sổ lưu niệm bày tỏ sự cảm kích trước sự đón tiếp của tỉnh Quảng Nam đối với đoàn
Indian President Kovind writes in the visitors’ book.
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Indian President Kovind visits My Son Sanctuary