Impressive photos at the silk festival in Hoi An city

QNN 13/08/2019 09:28

(QNO) - The 5th Vietnam-International Silk and Brocade Festival 2019 was officially opened in Hoi An silk village, Quang Nam province on August 8.

Hoi An silk village.
Hoi An silk village.

A performance at the opening ceremony.
A performance at the opening ceremony.

The festival lasting from 7-9 August attracts artisans and companies from both home and abroad such as Italia, France, China, Japan, India, Thailand, Cambodia.
The festival lasting from 7-9 August attracts artisans and companies from both home and abroad such as Italia, France, China, Japan, India, Thailand, Cambodia.

Silk weaving skill.
Silk weaving skill.

Tourist takes photo.
Tourist takes photo.

Silk display from Cotu ethnic people in Quang Nam.
Silk display from Cotu ethnic people in Quang Nam.

Brocade from Ha Giang province, Viet Nam.
Brocade from Ha Giang province, Viet Nam.

A young artisan at the festival.
A young artisan at the festival.

Ma Chau silk, Quang Nam.
Ma Chau silk, Quang Nam.

The festival consit of a seminar on applying science and technology in silk production and the culture of silk in the modern life, an exchange of domestic and foreign artisans and designers.
The festival consit of a seminar on applying science and technology in silk production and the culture of silk in the modern life, an exchange of domestic and foreign artisans and designers.

A tourist buys silk product at the festival.
A tourist buys silk product at the festival.

The event aims to honour the culture of traditional silk weaving and introduce Vietnamese silk to the world.
The event aims to honour the culture of traditional silk weaving and introduce Vietnamese silk to the world.

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Impressive photos at the silk festival in Hoi An city