Society - Culture

Hoi An to be a green tourism hub in Vietnam

Translated by HO THU Aug 22, 2024 08:57

(QNO) - Quang Nam is one of the pioneering and model localities for green tourism development. The province has been striving to make Hoi An a green tourism hub in Vietnam.

Silk Sense Hoi An Resort

Quang Nam has issued the green tourism criteria and introduced the "Refill Station" model, a shopping solution that eliminates packaging waste and extends the life cycle of waste.

The first hotel in Vietnam to reach the international sustainable tourism certification

Silk Sense Hoi An River Resort was recognised as Vietnam's first plastic-free hotel in September 2023.

On August 15th, 2024, the resort officially received the "Travelife Gold for Accommodation Sustainability" certification from Travelife in several categories, including minimising environmental impacts, improving economic and social impacts for the surrounding community, and safeguarding animal welfare and biodiversity.

Environment-friendly items in Silk Sense Hoi An

Since 2019, Silk Sense Hoi An has provided glass bottles filled with filtered water for all guest rooms and conference spaces.

Recently, the resort has been equipped with a composting machine that converts organic waste into fertiliser within 24 hours, effectively managing all organic waste across the entire hotel.

The nutrient-rich fertiliser is then used for the hotel's organic garden, which supplies fresh produce for its kitchen.

The machine converting waste into fertiliser

At the same time, the resort implements waste sorting as well.

Piloting volume-based waste fees

After successfully integrating waste sorting into the local daily lives, Hoi An is now piloting a volume-based waste fee model. Waste must still be sorted into inorganic and organic categories at home.

Bags for waste

Reportedly, the Women's Union is encouraging vendors at Hoi An market, especially those in the clothing and souvenir sectors, to use paper bags instead of plastic ones. Most of them feel very pleased and enthusiastic about the process.

Waste-sorting bins in Silk Sense Hoi An

(Source: VTV)

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Hoi An to be a green tourism hub in Vietnam