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Sat, 15/03/2025
(QNO) - A UNESCO’s project on environmental protection is ready for Hoi An city, Quang Nam province.
“Toward a green, clean and resilient world for all” is the theme of the project that has been discussed at a meeting between UNESCO’s representatives in Vietnam, foreign and Vietnamese environmentalists, and Coca-Cola (main sponsor of the project) in An Nhien Farm, Triem Tay, Dien Phuong commune, Dien Ban town, Quang Nam province. At the meeting, the solutions and policies on supports and observation of the project have been proposed.
According to Ms. Pham Thi Thanh Huong from UNESCO Vietnam, the project aims to impulse the local socioeconomic development based on environmental protection, a long-since developed movement here.
The environmentalists at the meeting highly appreciated Hoi An business community and residents’ awareness of environmental protection. Besides, the local authorities are very interested in heritage preservation and conservation for sustainable development.
The project will help Hoi An implement some programmes for waste treatment in Hoi An city and Cham Islands. At the same time, the problems of waste will be propagandized to tourists for a green, clean environment in Hoi An, towards a tourism production of environmental protection here in order for everybody to join hands to protect environment.