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Wed, 19/03/2025
(QNO) - The model of community tourism has been developing strongly in Cam Thanh commune, Hoi An city, Quang Nam province. It contributes to improving the local life.
One of the destinations that is rather attractive to visitors, especially foreigners, is Thanh Dong organic farm. It covers an area of about one hectare where 10 farmer households cultivate vegetables. Besides providing clean and safe vegetables for its customers, the farm welcomes visitors. Thanh Dong organic farm is also an address of sharing farming experiences; therefore, a lot of farmers from other places and students visit it every year. Thanks to the farm, the farmers’ income becomes stable and their lives are bettered. According to Cam Thanh commune’s plan, the farm will be expanded to recruit more households into this economic model.
Besides Thanh Dong organic garden, the Bay Mau nipa forest is an attractive destination to visitors. Coracles are the means to visit this 30 hectares forest. The community tourism model at the Bay Mau nipa forest is developing rapidly. The number of households attend this model is 600. There are over one thousand coracles and two thousand employees working at the Bay Mau nipa forest ecotourism area. The locals’ income has gone up, their lives become better thanks to community tourism. The local safety and security is always ensured, contributing to the development of community tourism here.