Bay Mau nipa forest in Hoi An

22/01/2019 03:35

(QNO) - The Bay Mau nipa forest is an interesting destination besides other popular addresses in Hoi An city. The forest is in Van Thanh hamlet, Cam Lang commune. It is named after its initial area of 7 hactares.

Visiting the nipa forest by coracles.
Visiting the nipa forest by coracles.

The forest is at the junction of three rivers: Thu Bon, Hoai and De Vong. Visitors are very interested in visiting the nipa forest.

On the first days of 2019, visitors to this place are very crowded in spite of bad weather.

Each coracle takes 2-3 visitors to the forest.
Each coracle takes 2-3 visitors to the forest.

The rower is always the local; so (s)he is both rowing and telling the stories of the nipa forest, the life of people here and the means of transport they are using.

Visitors to the Bay Mau nipa forest are both native and foreign, especially those from China and Korea.
Visiting the nipa forest, visitors can enjoy some circus performances with coracles.

A coracle circus perfomance in the Bay Mau nipa forest.
A coracle circus perfomance in the Bay Mau nipa forest.
Visitors are very interested in the coracle circus performane.
Visitors are very interested in the coracle circus performane.

The performance occurs just within 3-5 minutes but everyone is really impressed with it.

A local is making rings of nipa leaf.
A local is making rings of nipa leaf.

Visitors can enjoy the fresh atmosphere of the forest, and learn to make some things (e.g. rings, locusts, roses…) of nipa leaves. They may also take these things from the locals as free souvenirs that replace for the local big thanks.

Thanks to the development of tourism here, the local income has been improved; the local life becomes more stable.

Foreign visitors are eager for coracles and the souvenirs.
Foreign visitors are eager for coracles and the souvenirs.

Coming to the Bay Mau nipa forest in August of the lunar calendar, visitors can enjoy one of the local specialties- rice cooked with nipa fruit. It is extremely delicious. In addition, visitors can go fishing or catch freshwater crabs under the local instructions. It is also the reason why Van Lang is called the Western region inside Hoi An city.

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Bay Mau nipa forest in Hoi An